Saturday, December 10, 2011


Last night, my company had its annual dinner and the theme was Freaky Friday. I'd always admired those who had the nerve and the dedication to dress in theme for these things but I never had the nerve to do it myself. This year, I decided to change and I went as a zombie much to everyone's surprise since I'm not exactly a guy who would do this sort of thing.

I got some instructions on the net, and made myself some fake blood with honey, chocolate sauce (Hershey's even ;)), and red food colouring. It was really icky and bloody. I dirtied and bloodied an old shirt. I also made a fake wound out of chewing gum and it was totally gross. Powder and black/blue/green eye shadow rounded out the effect. I got lots of compliments on the get-up and it was a lot of fun scaring people. I'm kinda proud of myself for doing this :) Hopefully I can repeat it next year.

Posting of my full face is still against personal policy, but check out this wound:

Surprisingly realistic for something made from a pack of gum...

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