Friday, April 5, 2013

RIP Roger Ebert

I was saddened this morning to learn of the passing of Roger Ebert. As one who loves movies and one who used to write the occasional (amateurish) review, I greatly admired his writing style and insights even when I did not necessarily agree with him. When not writing about movies, his essays and wit were still master-classes in writing. Heck, he even got a Pullitzer prize...

His last blog post just two days ago was so full of hope, optimism, and grand plans for the future and it makes his rather sudden death all the heavier. Reading the biographies online and the words of his wife, I see more that he was an amazing journalist and a person who never gave up hope and love for life despite the ravages of cancer.

He lived a full life - much more than most of us could hope for - but he was taken too soon. The world lost a great mind today and is poorer for it.

Rest in peace, Mr. Ebert.

Thumbs up, all the way.

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